Monday, April 26, 2010

Realistic Fiction

Out of the list on page 103, I have read two... Holes & Hatchet. There are some I remember others reading throughout my teenage years, but for some reason or another I never read them. So would I agree with the list... no as I have not read much of what's on it. I guess I have my own list of books I read: anything by Judy Blume, The Secret Life of Algernon Pendleton, The Dealings of Daniel Kesserich... is all I can really remember.

Yes, I remember all to well my adolescents... I wish I could forget sometimes!!! I feel that many of these book lists could help with parents and teachers who see problems at home or in the schools. It makes it safe and okay to talk about things... why didn't these lists exist when I was a kid going through these things? Maybe if parents read these book with their kids?

I never knew it had a name, but I do a similar exercise with my class as the one at the bottom of page 153 with almost every book I read! It's great to look at a book before you read & think about all the other parts we over look, or things we do look at, but are miss leading.

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