For the movie portion of the survey I got results anywhere from Alvin & the Chipmunks to Step Brothers. The Alvin & the Chipmunks really surprised me because I always thought of this as something elementary kids would like, but to each their own. I was really excepting the results of movies like Step Brothers, Scary Movie, Pineapple Express, and Mean Girls because I think they portray adult topics which many teenagers want to be apart of... not that I agree.
Magazine's are something of the past I think because I had several put down, "I do not read magazines". Hmmm... I really don't either. Seventeen magazine, one my sister liked when she was in school, is not one that surprised because it is directed toward that age group. Video games was another one that some did not partake in either, and all the games they did play really varied depending on the game system had at home.
I am really impressed with the book choices made by the teenagers, but did see a theme in Harry Potter as well as Twilight... of corse. I had 5 that did not have any favorite books, which is sad, but I think I would have said the same thing when I was that age.
TV programs really opened my eyes as I do not watch TV. TV shows mentioned were 16 in pregnant, addicted, glee Sports Center, Modern Family, Phineas & Ferb, and many more. The ones I listed are ones I have never heard of before; Wow, am I way out of the loop? I did get happy when I saw one teenager put down none, but then again most their answers said, "None".
Since I do not work with this age group it is hard for me to really compare it to how well I know teenagers, but I'd have to say not to well. As I slowly get older and reflect upon my favorites, they are way different. I'd say my picks would have been: Sound of Music, None for magazines and video games, book would have been "The Secret Life of Algernon Pendleton", & for a TV show Friends.
Keep your chin up about the lack of favorite books... maybe they couldn't choose! I can't say a favorite book now any better than I could as an adolescent or a child, because I read so much and had so many favorites.